电视剧 · 2025 · 美国 · 欧美剧,喜剧
It’s official: The Conners will be getting a proper goodbye. The Roseanne follow-up has been renewed for seventh and final season. As Deadline reported exclusively last week, the order is believed to be for six episodes, with the main cast, including John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf, Sara Gilbert and Lecy Goranson, expected to return. The renewal took longer to finalize because dates for the cast, particularly Goodman, had to be worked out, I hear.…
解说 · 1980 · 美国 · 电影解说,惊悚,恐怖
100年前的北加利福尼亚的安东尼奥海滩,患有麻风病的富豪布雷克希望在此建立一个小镇,将同样患有麻风病的患者集中起来治疗。然而他的爱心并未得到应有的回报,许多觊觎布雷克财富的贪婪之徒来到这里,伺机杀害了布雷克。 100年后,当小镇人民举行百年庆典时,一团神秘雾气降临小镇,布雷克及其随从的冤魂从大海深处归来,所到之处人们尽皆死亡。神父罗伯特(Hal HolbrooK 饰)无意中发现其祖父藏在教堂墙壁中的日记,终于得知曾发生在100年前的惨剧………