解说 · 1997 · 英国 · 电影解说,剧情,悬疑,犯罪
A controversial artist is dead, apparently the victim of a botched robbery at his suburban estate. Take-no-prisoners journalist Maddie Magellan is unconvinced, and she casts her suspicions on the deceased's possessive wife and his frivolous mistress. But one was in her city office at the time of death, and the other was bound, gagged and blindfolded by the "robber". A chance meeting with Jonathan Creek, a famous illusionist's technical advisor, leads Maddie to believe that his "lateral mind" may allow him to see through the deceptions in the case, and she recruits the reluctant genius as her partner.…
解说 · 2025 · 其它 · 电影解说,惊悚,犯罪
影集《死亡印記》(Just One Look)是 Netflix 即將推出的波蘭懸疑驚悚迷你劇,改編自知名作家 Harlan Coben 的同名小說。該劇以層層遞進的懸疑情節與扣人心弦的敘事風格,講述一名女子因發現一張神秘老照片,意外揭開丈夫過去的陰暗秘密,進而捲入一場危機四伏的謊言與真相交錯之戰。 《死亡印記》的主角 Greta(Maria Dębska 飾)原本擁有一段幸福的婚姻與穩定的生活,她的丈夫 Jacek(Cezary Łukaszewicz 飾)是她最信任的人。然而,一張意外發現的老照片徹底顛覆了她的認知。在這張照片中,Jacek 與一名陌生男子並肩而立,而對方的臉卻被刻意劃掉。當她試圖向丈夫詢問照片的來歷時,Jacek 竟冷漠否認自己是照片中的人,甚至開始對她隱瞞行蹤。不久後,Jacek 神秘失蹤,Greta 頓時陷入極度的不安與困惑。…