
正义者 HD
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  • 正义者

  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:Dhritiman Chatterjee/Jayshree Roy/Debraj Roy/
  • 导演:萨蒂亚吉特·雷伊/
  • 年份:1970
  • 地区:印度/
  • 类型:剧情片/剧情/
  • 时长:0
  • 上映:1970
  • 语言:其它
  • 更新:2024-07-18 10:18:34
  • 简介:  Siddartha (Dhritiman Chatterjee) is forced to discontinue his medical studies due to unexpected and brutal death of his father. He has to now find a job in stead. In one job interview, he is asked to name the most significant world event in the last ten years. His reply is 'the plain human courage shown by the people of Vietnam', instead of the expected - man landing on moon. The interviewer asks is he is a communist. Needles to say that he does not get the job.  He reaches a coffee shop where he is offered to work for the communist party. When he does not show any interest the party leader tells him about an opening for a medical representative. To escape from the heat and have a snooze, he goes in to a cinema. As a government propaganda newsreel is being shown before the feature, a bomb explodes in the cinema hall. In the stampede that follows, Siddartha, breaks his watch. He goes to a watchmaker but he cannot afford the repairs.  Waiting to cross the road, he notices a sex
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