电影 · 2024 · 其它 · 恐怖片,动作,惊悚,恐怖,冒险
两对年轻情侣来到丛林度假村享受他们的奢华假期,但这场旅行很快变成了一场可怕的噩梦。大学时期的老朋友艾杰(AJ)和 里奇(Ritchie),带着各自的伴侣玛雅(Maya)和贾思敏(Jasmine)一起旅行,试图暂时搁置感情中的矛盾,踏上一场冒险之旅。他们雇了一位大胆的向导尼克(Nick),展开了一次丛林划艇探险。 然而,旅程很快急转直下——里奇在途中离奇失踪。随着他们深入丛林寻找线索,几人意外闯入了一个土著食人族领地。原本的梦想假期瞬间化为了一场惊心动魄的生存挑战。在这片神圣而危险的土地上,他们必须面对无情的威胁,挣扎着寻找生路。…
电影 · 2023 · 美国 · 喜剧片,剧情,喜剧,动作,爱情,冒险
Joe Bell is a penny-pinching hermit saving for the day when his real life will begin. One day he's offered a chest filled with treasure by a cryptic old man known as, "The Clockmaker." After giving the chest to Joe, the Clockmaker "accidentally" locks the chest. Joe must now go on a series of wacky & diverse adventures to find the key. Each adventure is a different genre. There are 15 genres in the film, including action-adventure, comedy, Western, romance, science-fiction, film noir, musical, and more. Joe is finally living life instead of saving. He makes new friends along the way and eventually finds the key on the necklace of a beautiful young woman named Abbey. He falls for her at first sight. However, his desires for her and the treasure are in direct conflict. After another series of dangerous adventures to save Abbey's life and recover the key, he must choose between the two.…
电影 · 2024 · 其它 · 恐怖片,恐怖
Lucjan is a theatre actor whose health is failing. He forgets his lines on stage and feels confused and out of place in his daily life. He decides to end his acting career and soon winds up in a nursing home. In this new place, the elderly man misses his late wife. He starts having nightmares that seem to become real. In one of them, he discovers a passage into a magical world deceptively similar to his theatre. Lucjan starts living in two parallel dimensions – real life and the fairy tale – that become increasingly dependent on each other and intertwined. His immersion in the imaginary world leads to an unexpected ending. A bittersweet treatise on passing. The fairy-tale world Lucjan creates is not so much a metaphor for death as a symbolic reconciliation to its coming.…