电影 · 1992 · 加拿大 · 喜剧片,剧情,喜剧,爱情
In the Alpine village of Tolzbad in the 1800s, the townsfolk talk quietly and restrain their movements lest they incur avalanches. This atmosphere lends itself to repressed emotions - shown through the parallel stories of butler student Johann lusting after his mother (an old flame of the mysterious Count Knotkers) and Klara's attraction to her father (who lusts after his other daughter), leading to duels and suicidal plunges galore. All this is shot in the style of an early German sonal film, complete with intertitles, crackly sound-track and 'hand-tinted' colour effects.- Written by Michael Brooke <michael@everyman.demon.co.uk>…
电影 · 2007 · 英国 · 记录片,纪录片
由独立制片人导演Gary Hustwit执导拍摄的纪录片《传奇字体》,讲述了Helvetica字体从起源诞生到它的特性和影响力,影片访谈了不同时期的老中青三代设计师,畅谈这款简洁、直接、醒目的传奇字体背后的故事。 1957年,新字体Helvetica由麦克斯·米耶丁格和爱德华德·霍夫曼在瑞士Münchenstein的哈斯铸造所作为排版铅字制作。新的工业化时代正在来临,这种容易辨识和阅读的字体形式更适应快节奏的生活和工业化生产的需要,很快风靡世界。2007年,Helvetica字体诞生满五十周年。Helvetica字体已然存在于我们随处可见的任何一处角落,几乎成为了工业文明和机械化的象征。…
解说 · 2019 · 其它 · 电影解说,喜剧,恐怖
Francesca always attracted weirdos. When one of her stalkers is found dead, she looks for comfort from her best friend, Maxi. Meanwhile, Maxi’s grandfather, Jack, a disgraced Rabbi, comes across a reclining chair containing a Dybbuk inside. Jack and his voodoo sorceress partner try to find out where the recliner has been delivered while exploring Jack’s newfound gift for communicating with the other world. Meanwhile the reclining chair becomes enchanted by Francesca and starts committing crimes of passion. ×…