电影 · 1931 · 日本 · 剧情片,短片
在一片普通的住宅区,生活着平凡的冈部一家四口。男主人冈部(山口勇 饰)是武藏人寿保险的销售员,但是他的业绩平平,收入自然稀薄可怜。结果家里破破烂烂,妻子(浪花友子 饰)儿女食不果腹,时而被房东追讨房租,时而又因儿子阿进(加藤清一 饰)惹祸而被别人的家长找上门来。不过冈部毫不气馁,因为只要他将富有的户田家拿下,他便可以摆脱贫穷的困境。 次日,冈部整装出发,到了户田家门口却发现敌对公司的销售员中村(关时男 饰)正在大拉业务。两人因此大打出手,结果热恼了女主人(明山静江 饰),最终被轰了出去。为了得到保单,这两个小人物想尽了一切办法………
电影 · 1960 · 法国 · 剧情片,剧情
IMDB简介:Dominique Marceau is on trial for the murder of Gilbert Tellier. The counsels duel relentlessly, elaborating explanations for why the pretty, idle and fickle girl killed the talented and ambitious conductor freshly graduated from the conservatory. Was it passion, vengeance, desperation, an accident? The acquaintances of Gilbert testify, as well as Dominique's former lovers, and her sister, Annie, the studious violin player engaged to Gilbert. The evidence they give progressively paints a more finely-shaded picture of the personalities of Dominique and Gilbert, and of their relationship, than the eloquent and convincing justifications of the counsels. Written by Eduardo Casais…