电影 · 1965 · 美国 · 喜剧片,喜剧,爱情
琼·豪厄尔(Sandra Dee)是一个梦想进入娱乐圈的女佣,她平时负责给上班族汤姆·米尔福德(Bobby Darin)收拾公寓,由于两人从未见过面,加上琼和汤姆通话时故意装日本腔,导致汤姆一直以为自己的女佣是个日本老太太。汤姆的老板兼朋友哈维(Donald O'Connor)派他去加州出差,汤姆做好了出差准备,并给女佣留下信条说自己要出差十天,不料到了公司后哈维告诉他出差取消了。晚上汤姆回家时,乘坐的出租车与琼的出租车撞在了一起,意外相识的两人决定进酒吧聊天,汤姆送琼回家时,琼因为不想让汤姆看到自己居住的贫穷公寓,于是假装汤姆的公寓是自己的公寓,困惑不已的汤姆因为仍然想和琼见面,所以并未当面拆穿,而是到了自己朋友哈维家去住,然而更大的乱子还在后边等着他。…
电影 · 1961 · 美国 · 剧情片,剧情
In 1960 Germany, Army lawyer Major Steve Garrett is assigned to defend four American soldiers charged with raping 16 year-old Karin Steinhof. She was swimming in a nearby river when the four of them came across her and they were soon arrested thereafter. Maj. Garrett is anything but impressed with his clients but his job is to give them the best defense possible. He tries to obtain a plea bargain but Karin's father flatly refuses and the prosecutor, Colonel Jerome Pakenham, is seeking the death penalty. In order for the death penalty to be applied, the defense attorney must have the opportunity to thoroughly examine the victim under oath. He sympathizes with Karin and does his best to convince Karin father to keep her from testifying. When he refuses, Garrett is left will little choice but to attack her on the stand. Written by garykmcd…